The Akashic Library

and How to Access the Akashic Records

Deepen your spiritual journey by discovering how to access the Akashic Records so that you can thrive on your path of ascension, sharing your sacred calling, and mastering your channeling abilities.

What is the Akashic Record?

People who have experienced accessing the Akashic Records report many different experiences. Many encounter guides, angels, and other behind-the-scenes players. Some people report experiences of “channelling,” while some experience the Akashic Records through dreams.

So then what are the Akashic Records? Some experts envision the Akashic Records as an endless filing cabinet of information. Others view it as an online database. According to the records themselves, they exist in another, higher dimension referred to as the Akasha.

The Akashic library is thought to be a history of every thought, word, and action of every living creature throughout all of time. These records hold no judgements—they’re simply a repository of information regarding each and every soul’s journey.

You might think of the Akashic Record as a book report on your life. According to those who have accessed it, however, the Akashic Records can come in many different forms. Some people envision temple environments. Some report seeing video clips from past lives. Some even hear messages or instructions. Everyone’s experience of the Akashic Records is unique.

A Brief History of the Akashic Records

Now that we know what the Akashic library is thought to contain, where did they come from? One of the earliest references to the Akashic Record was made by the founder of the Theosophical movement in the late 19th century, the widely-recognized Helena Blavatsky. If you’re wondering, theosopImagehy is the esoteric belief system based on eastern philosophical tenets that upholds Truth as the ultimate religion.
According to Blavatsky, she learned about the Akashic Record from Tibetan monks, who revealed that the records are held in the Akasha, the Sanskrit word for astral light—also called the ether element. The ether element is considered the fabric of reality from which all other elements emerge.
In her teachings, Blavatsky refers to the monks as the Masters of Ancient Wisdom, nurturing her various psychic abilities, which she then used to channel information from the records to form the major tenets of theosophy, a movement that cultivated a large following near the turn of the decade.
Where else can we hear about the Akashic library? Contemporary physicist Ervin Laszlo explores Akasha-2 Column related concepts from a scientific perspective. According to Laszlo, the Akasha contains the foundation for human ideals such as harmony.
Metaphysician Rudolf Steiner touches upon the mechanisms underlying the records, stating that every action, word, and thought must leave its mark in etheric realms. In his writings, Edgar Cayce mentions a storehouse of information that exists in a non-physical plane in which a record of every soul’s history is maintained.
A famous reference to the Akashic Record occurs in none other than the old testament. Experts believe that the Akashic Record is akin to the biblical Book of Life, in which a record of every soul is held in heaven. It is from the Book of Life that souls are eventually judged.

Why is the Akashic Library Important?

The Akashic Records contain the wisdom, guidance, and spiritual support we need in this lifetime—and all lifetimes! The Akashic Records exist as an energetic archive of all souls throughout time—this includes all past, present, and future possibilities.

While the records were once exclusive to spiritually-enlightened mystics, saints, and other individuals holding sacred positions, the ability to access these records is spreading a global movement toward spiritual independence looking to nurture the relationship between soul and source.

It is important to remember that the Akashic Record reveals more than just events or even memories. It is a manifestation of all deeds, words, thoughts, feelings, and intentions. Records are not two-dimensional—they exist in an interactive form that exerts influence over every aspect of our daily lives. The Akashic Record connects us to one another.

What Can You Ask the Akashic Records?

Accessing the Akashic Record involves nothing more than a somewhat meditative state and a question. The Akashic Record is an unlimited resource that’s available to everyone. It’s there whenever you want, however you want—as long as the questions you ask are self-focused and open-ended.

Why is that the case?

The Akashic Record is bigger than you, or me, or anyone else. The Records offer an archive of every potential trajectory we might follow. And while this can seem overwhelming, it’s important to keep in mind that, ultimately, you are in control of your own destiny. The Records illuminate the path that you’re most likely to take—but this can change at any moment according to the choices you make everyday.

This means that the answer you get might not be the one that comes to fruition. Some people doubt the validity of the Akashic Records because they don’t seem to predict the future at times—but this betrays a fundamental misunderstanding regarding the true nature of the Akashic Record. After all, the Akashic Records hold all potential futures, pasts, and presents.

Accessing the Akashic Records

So, how do you start accessing the Akashic Records? A mega-database that records every individual thoughts, actions, and experiences.

This is what we have taught to over 100,000 people in over 100 countries. Here are ways you can deepen your mastery of the Akashic Records with us:

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